Your monthly gift can make a difference
Messiah Mission For Africa is a ministry that focuses on bringing the Gospel of Jesus to parts of Africa where it's needed the most.
Our strategy is to be the hands and feet of Jesus by offering school education for children, helping men and women develop skills and character in the workplace, and offering vital resources such as medical clinic help, counseling care and church discipleship.
Make a difference today by setting up a monthly gift or giving one time
Resources we provide
Child Education & Schooling
Medical & Health Services
Discipleship & Evangelism
The majority of children in Liberia and surrounding African countries cannot afford schooling. MMFA provides class room education for ages Kindergarten - Highschool, allowing young people to develop their skills and critical thinking.
Because of generous supporters, we are able to offer free medical support such as health checkups, virus shots, medicine and other treatments. We also provide Biblical counseling for individuals who need mental and emotional support.
Our mission is to reach all types of people groups through out Liberia with the gospel of Jesus, equipping them spiritually and sending men and women out to their communities to love their neighbors and share Jesus with them.
Transform a Life Today
Give a gift to help fund schooling for Liberian children
In recent years, Christian missionaries have been leaving the vital mission field that is Africa due to civil unrest and financial problems. Mission agencies too have closed their doors and have no plans to return to the region or to continue with financial support. As a result, Christian nationals have been left to continue the work of missions on their own.
Messiah Mission for Africa believes that it is time that missionary work is entrusted to nationals.
Get in Touch
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